Build Trusses With Software Mac Free
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Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Edmund T. Pratt School of Engineering
Duke University - Box 90287, Durham, NC 27708-0287
Henri P. Gavin, Ph.D., P.E., - Associate Professor -
PC / Mac No free ones here, but Stage Plot Pro seems to be the most regarded, most full-featured, and with the fanciest and broadest selection of elements: They have a graphic for everything you can think of, though many consider it 3D depictions of everything to be totally overkill and unnecessary detail (looks damn nice though 🙂. 2D Truss Analysis is a powerfull application which uses optimized finite elements (bar elements) in order to perform static analysis of trusses. Download structural analysis software 2D Truss Analysis 2.0 developed by EngiSSol. Home Plan and Landscape Design Software for Mac that is free and easy to use. See your dream floor plan with customized kitchens, bathrooms and bedrooms for a home or apartment. Plan out your landscape. Customize paint, textures and decorations.
Frame3DD is free open-source software for static and dynamic structural analysis of 2D and 3D frames and trusses with elastic and geometric stiffness. It computes the static deflections, reactions, internal element forces, natural frequencies, mode shapes and modal participation factors of two- and three- dimensional elastic structures using direct stiffness and mass assembly. Frame3DD has its own text-file input format (.3dd), but additionally supports matlab (.m) and spreadsheet (.csv) file formats, and offers graphical output including mode shape animation via Gnuplot version 4.6.
The program is written in plain ANSI C. The source code includes: frame analysis, LDL' decomposition, LU decomposition, Newton-Raphson iteration, sub-space iteration, Stodola iteration, Sturm eigenvalue check, static condensation, Guyan reduction, and dynamic condensation.
Included in the program is a parser for Microstran .ARC files. Currently, we are able to load and view exported Microstran models, and we plan to incorporate '.ARC' as an alternative input format.
Frame3DD is licensed under the GNU General Public Licenseand is maintained at source-forge.
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Build Trusses With Software Mac Free Software
The following input data files are included with the Frame3DD download packages. Click below to see formatted and commented input data, the associated output data,as well as plot and movie outputs generated using the program.
Example | Input Data (.txt) | Output Data (.txt) | Input Data (.csv) | Output Data (.csv) | Plot | Movie |
(A) 2-D Pratt Truss | exA.3dd | exA.out | exA.csv | exA_out.CSV | Plot | |
(B) Pyramid Frame | exB.3dd | exB.out | exB.csv | exB_out.CSV | Plot | Movie |
(C) Tetrahedral Frame | exC.3dd | exC.out | exC.csv | exC_out.csv | Plot | Movie |
(D) Un-Restrained Frame | exD.3dd | exD.out | exD.csv | exD_out.CSV | Plot | Movie |
(E) Lateral-Torsional Coupling | exE.3dd | exE.out | exE.csv | exE_out.CSV | Plot | Movie |
(F) Building with Seismic Isolation | exF.3dd | exF.out | exF.csv | exF_out.CSV | Plot | Movie |
(G) Building with Set-Back | exG.3dd | exG.out | exG.csv | exG_out.CSV | Plot | Movie |
(H) Pedestrian Ramp Lateral Sway | exH.3dd | exH.out | exH.csv | exH_out.CSV | Plot | Movie |
(I) Triangular Tower | exI.3dd | exI.out | exI.csv | exI_out.CSV | Plot | |
(J) Tesseract | exJ.3dd | exJ.out | exJ.csv | exJ_out.CSV | Plot |
Microstran Viewer
As a first step to implementing basic interoperability between Frame3DD and other structural analysis programs, we have implemented a parser and viewer that reads Microstran '.ARC' files and displays them in 3D. This has already proven to be a useful tool, even without structural analysis capabilities. We propose next to implement support for converting between Frame3DD input files and Microstran .ARC files. This will allow Frame3DD results to be visualised using OpenGL graphics, as well as allowing us to validate Frame3DD in comparison with commercial tools that support this file format. |
Related Links
- OpenSees: Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation
- Matlab Central page about Matlab Finite Element Analysis software
- Henri Gavin's homepage
- John Pye's homepage
Frame3DD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modifyit under the terms of the GNU General Public License(GPL)as published by the Free Software Foundation,either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Simply put, the GPLsays that anyone who redistributes the software, with or without changes, must pass along the freedom to further copy and change it. By distributing the complete source code for Frame3DD under the terms of the GPL, we guarantee that you and all other users will have the freedom to redistribute and change Frame3DD.
Frame3DD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.See the GNU General Public License(GPL)and the GNU General Public LicenseFAQ for more details.
© 1992-2014 Henri P. Gavin. Verbatim copying and distribution is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Duke University, Box 90287
Durham, NC 27708-0287
Build Trusses With Software Mac Free Downloads
2D Truss Analysis is a powerfull application which uses optimized finite elements (bar elements) in order to perform static analysis of trusses. Its versatile interface as well as its easy customization make it a leader-product in truss analysis.
Analysis features
- Use of highly flexible, general, finite element method
- Static analysis of 2D trusses
- Unlimited number of Nodes and Bars
- Supports all major measure units
- All type of boundary conditions (fixed, rollers, etc. )
- Translational and rotational spring supports
- Initial displacement conditions
- Extremely easy model creation, no need to first define nodes and then elements, nodes are produced automatically
- Consideration of thermal loads
* 2D Truss Analysis download link provides demo version of the software.
With Truss Explorer you can easily create quotation or manufacturing documentation for the entire project.
RSTAB is the ideal tool for the design of beam, frame, or truss structures consisting of steel, reinforced concrete, timber, aluminum, or other materials.

MATruss performs static strength analysis of a structure made up by truss elements. An easy to use preprocessor make the input of model data a fast and carefree process.
Software suite TRUSS4 is designed for analysis of timber truss structures connected with punched metal plate fasteners.
Build Trusses With Software Mac Free Download
Easy to use 3D truss analyzer using finite element methods. It has an easy graphical interface where you can define, loads, nodes and elements.
Build Trusses With Software Mac Free Version
GBW32 V5. 0 is a 3D Finite Element program that uses truss and beam elements to model a wide range of Mechanical and Civil structures.
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