Hearts Of Iron 4 Beta Patch Download

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Hearts of Iron v1.05 Patch

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep Final Mix - English patch 0.9 - How to apply the english patch. Patches and hotfixes are free updates for Hearts of Iron IV, though they are different in purpose: Patches fix bugs and/or implement balance tweaks. They are sometimes released alongside a new, major DLC. When this occurs, a portion of the DLC's features are usually shipped as part of the coinciding free patch, thus made available to anyone who. Hearts of Iron v1.04 Patch German This German only patch for the WWII themed RTS title offeres a number of gameplay tweaks and fixes. See details in more information. Version 1.4. Gameplay tweaks. Exp. Forces can no longer defect to the rebel side in civil wars. Hearts of Iron 4’s 1.10 ‘Collie’ patch releases today alongside the new DLC By Joe Robinson 15 Oct 2020 0 The next DLC expansion for Hearts of Iron IV - Battle for the Bosporus - releases later today and with it comes the 1.10 ‘Collie’ patch. Game- Downloadlinkhttps://mega.nz/#!KwQgGajJ!WqXuHTZ3jiWdXelOrNRS5xVKqdM. Download Hearts of Iron patch for Windows to update Hearts of Iron to version 1.06c.

This patch for the WWII themed RTS title offeres a number of gameplay tweaks and fixes. See details in more information.

Gameplay tweaks

* Naval Combat

- Changed transports sea and air defence to zero.

- Transport ships can no longer shoot back.

- In Naval Combat, escorts are more often killed before transports now.

- Tweaked naval targetting algoritms.

- There are now command limits for air and naval combat too. No more 200 ship stacks :)

- Planes should now scramble automatically from carriers when they engage in combat, to join in bombarding.

- When fog of war is off, enemy fleets are now also visible on the map, although detection still works as normal.

* Paratroopers

- Multiplied transport plane cost by 5 (a division needed around 1000 planes in order to be transported!)

- Raised cost and supplyconsumption of paratroopers significantly.

- Can no longer drop paratroopers if the transport planes are not fully organised.

- Loading paratroopers now makes the transport planes completely unorganised.

* Technology and Units Stats

- Tech trees have been revised extensively, implementing alot more prerequisites, so it is no longer possible to tech-rush.

- Reworked Tactical value for the later model Tactical Bombers

- Mechanized troops are now available alot later with Mechanized HQ's. This is historical. First full mechanized divisions were not fielded before 1941 anyway.

- Reworked ICcost*Duration of constructing fighters, they should now be faster to build and cheaper than bombers.

- Reworked costs and durations of all plane types

- Reworked panzer costs and durations. They should now be more historically linked with their type.

- Added one default softattack point to marines, as well as higher default organisation (35 ~ 30). Higher speed too. It should compensate now for their longer build period and higher cost. Before, there was no point in building marines as infantry was better anyway.

- Added a higher defense value and a higher movement value to bergsjaeger.

* Misc

- There is now a dissent penalty for not producing too little supplies when a nation is out of stockpiles.

- You should no longer be out of oil or supplies suddenly in allied territory extending from an allies homearea.

- Landunits moving (not retreating) will now lose about 1% of organisation each day.

- The leave alliance diplomatic action now causes the standard 7 day diplomatic delay

- Unit leader names are now shown in the unit rollovers (except at the lowest intelligence level for foreign units).

- Province rollovers now display the correct owner and controller

- Military access is now always automatically cancelled for countries that end up at war with each other.

- Reduced the english convoy transports daily-increases.

- Increased US Consumer Goods Demand.

- Flying Bomb and Flying Rocket are no longer influenced by bad weather

- Advanced types of Nuclear Bombs now deactivate less advanced type.

* Mod Support

- Fixed alot of reported problems with mod-dir.

- Scenario editor updated to conform to new data formats.

- The event commands 'set_leader_skill' and 'set_leader_loyalty' should no longer cause CTDs if the leader has been slept.

- The event command 'addcore' should no longer cause problems when adding a province that is already a national province of a country.

- Removed the following defunct event commands:

+ reveal_leader_loyalty

+ reveal_minister_loyalty

+ detect_units

+ minister_loyalty

+ leader

+ wake_leader

- More feedback should now be given to modders on serious errors in their files.

* General Bugfixes

- Fixed a CTD that occured shortly after the last member of the last opposing alliance was annexed.

- DI now used correctly for military access diplomatic actions.

- DI now used correctly for the leave alliance diplomatic action.

- Changed country.csv and renamed existing sprites to make sure USA and France and others have tanks that change sprites. Same for fighters. No more bi-planes all around.

- Mirrored the vertical Polish flag. According to flag laws, when vertical, the Polish flag should have white on the left and red on the right

- Fixed a problem with the US goverment for the 39 and 41 scenarios. Roosevelt's HoS ID was used for his HoG position as well, causing problems upon reload

- Fixed an ID problem in the Japanese Minister file which caused the 1937 Elections sometimes not to show up. Also fixed another less notable ID error in that file.

- Fixed lots of ID errors in the Republican Spain minister file which could cause crashes.

- Fixed a minor error in the Australian 1939 setup that caused the 2nd Cavalry Division to be indestructible

- Added correct AI references to all countries that had none specified in all scenarios.

- Removed the coastal fort in Ilagan (Phillipines). It had no sense since there wasn't a beach either. It was quite a rocky coast anyways.

- Renumbered lots of ID's for all minister files to fix all possible conflicts.

- Fixed a small bug which made org recover quicker at higher difficulty for the player.

- Fixed another ctd with province control changes.

AI Fixes

- Improved AI handling of dissent.

- Improved AI for setting sliders.

- AI strategic redeployment threshold raised

- AI should now be better at building up forces on the border prior to declaring war.

- AI is now handling naval stacks a little bit better.

- AI will now attempt to retreat with his navies if the odds are against him.

- AI will no longer sign peace immediately when protecting their sphere of interest.

- Japan should now be more wanting to invade the Phillipines, Indonesian archipel and the Pacific Islands. Might even attempt entries into Burma and other territories

- USA should now be more active in the Pacific and Europe

- United Kingdom should now go all the way in North Africa and will also attempt invasions in Southern Italy and Normandy

- Killed a bug that caused the French to build forts along the Belgian border again

- Changed German buildpreferences so that they build some strategic bombers. This to encourage a Battle of Britain

- Changed build preferences for most major countries to make for a more historical force distribution

- Changed garrisoning priorities for USSR. It will no longer put troops on the borders with Tannu Tuva and Mongolia. Emphasis on Japan is also lower.

- Changed garrisoning priorities for Japan. They will now put more troops on their islands, next to USA. Lower emphasis on the USSR. Higher emphasis on China and the Philipines

- UK and USA should build a tad bit less planes now

- Germany now has an invasion header added to its AI's to make the execution of an invasion in Crete and Norway much more likely

- UK AI should now keep more troops on their home islands

- Italian AI should now defend Northern Africa a little better

- Italian AI should now ignore garrisoning borders with fellow Axis powers

- Major players in the war should now research doctrines more

- Nationalist China should now focus more on land doctrine too

- Venezuela and the Czech Republic now have an own AI file

- Germany should now hopefully invade and garrison North Africa, Corsica, Crete, Norway and Italy a bit more

- Reduced the influencing lists for quite some majors

- USSR AI now uses reserve_prop parameters which causes them to defend in depth and keep more reserves

- USSR AI now ignores some more borders and garrisons more likely borders again

Scenarios and Events

- Updated the country specific model names, and extended the amount.

- Added new graphics for ITA, JAP, USA and UK.

- Added a few more historical flags.

- Added several thousand new pictures.

- Updated minister files.

- Updated leader files.

- New minister & leader files for country's that had none.

- Revised techs and oob for GER, ITA, UK, USA, JAP, FRA, MAN and POL in all scenarios ( no POL in 41 of course )

- Updated models.csv.

- Added some missing event triggers and faulty commands.

- Removed the event triggers from the UK guarantee to Poland. a historical 'road to war' should now be much more likely

- Collaborating french leaders will now be 'slept' via event in all scenarios. Vichy has its own leaderfile

- Collaborating Romanian and Hungarian leaders will now defect to Germany in the Anschluss event and be slept in their national leaderfiles then.

- Austrian leaders that served in the German Army will be awaken in the German leaderfile after the Anschluss has occured.

- Updated and fixed UK, Dutch, Japanese, Italian, French, German and USA convoy files for all scenarios.

- Fixed a unit placement error for the USA in 1941 scenario where the Mobile Force was actually in Panama instead of Mobile

- Fixed the naming error that caused a Lend-Lease Event not to show any text

- Alot of German doctrines removed from the 1936 setup. Germany now gains its doctrines through some of the pre-war events. This in an attempt to stop early, a-historical succesful German moves. They will switch to their normal build AI in the Münich Event.

- Gave a few major nations extra transports and escorts in their scenario setups

- Gave rudimentary techs to Iraq, Mongolia and Sinkiang in all scenarios. Same for Communist China in 1941 and Liberia in 1939 and 1941

- Added some AI_event to automatically create convoys between Canada-UK, UK-USSR and USA-UK when the war is on

- Added some minor national claims to some countries

- Republican Spanish leaders and ministers that defected to the Nationalists in the Civil War are now slept in the Civil War event series

- IC in Cape Town was lowered and raised in Johannesburg.

- In case of Romanian refusal of the Vienna Diktat, the command now carrier a leave_alliance command for Romania as well to prevent it DOW'in the Axis if it's Axis already

- Revised alot of unitnames.

- Added minor oil reserves in North Vietnam

- Changed troop X and Y coordinates for Georgetown (GUY) so that the troops don't show up in Paramaribo anymore

- Changed city X and Y coordinates for Prince Rupert so that the coal reserves there don't show up all the way in Vancouver anymore

- Updated the artillery, naval doctrine and land_doctrine techs in favour of the 'special' infantry units.

- Done alot more map changes, mainly terrain. Astrakhan region is now marshy (lots of swamps there), some mountain regions were made hilly, Nederösterreich is now clear, etc etc.

- Event Major Worker Strike (ID 1008) should now no longer lower IC permantently. It was a little too severe. Supplies are distracted instead

- Romanian Oil events are now more severe. Germany now gets 15000 oil in each event

- The oil that goes round in the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact is now higher: 30000 units

- Germany is now no longer able to dishonor the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact after it has been forged. They really weren't in the position to do that back then.

- Vichy now also gets claims on Lebanon and Syria

- There is now an AI_Event that makes Nationalist China join the Allies when they are at war with Japan and Japan has DOW'ed the USA

- Lend-Lease Events from USA to USSR now only trigger if the provinces affected by the event are not in Axis control

- Added AI events to make the Dutch and Belgians move their capitals to the colonies when nearly annexed

- Added an AI choise event to make Germany DOW Denmark sooner

- Brazil now has 150mm+ Battleship tech in all scenario to correspond with their OOB

- Iraq, Mongolia and Saudi Arabia now have basic techs in all scenarios

- Japanese Mechanized divisions are edited to Motorized divisions. Halftracks were extremely rare in the IJA

- Major Seapowers now have naval supply techs 6009 6010 6011 13103 13104 in all scenarios

- Liberia is now a puppet of the USA in all scenarios. USA controlled the Liberian rubber industry during HOI timeframe and it prevents the Axis exploit of conquering Liberia for the rubber.

- Anomalities regarding province ownership in North Africa (1941 scenario) are now gone. Italy and UK now control and own the correct provinces. No more double owned

- Nationalist China has now extra techs in each scenario and rightfully so. They were ahistorically weak before

- Coastal Forts removed from the Phillipine islands

- Czechoslovakia now has larger resource stockpiles. This to allow them to support their industry without giving the Germans an edge

- Nations are now given resource stockpiles in 1941

- In 1941 Vichy now also has claims on Syria and Lebanon

- Argentina now has claims on the Falklands in all scenarios

- Belfast now has claims on Belfast in all scenarios

- Japan now has the 400mm+ Battleship Gun researched in 1936 in order to make research of the Yamato Class possible

- Coastal forts removed in Singapore, Bergen and Trondheim. Only a small measure and it helps the AI alot

- Added transports to most major war participants in all scenarios

- There are now steel convoys running from Norway to Germany in 1936 and 1939. Steel is deducted from Germany mainland

- Corrected the faulty German OOB's in 1939 and 1941

- Added some IC to the 1939 Soviet file that normally is added through events.

- Pacific islands have been given VP points to encourage a more historical Pacific campaign

- VP points on the Aleutians removed (come on :

- Basrah and Kuwait now have beaches

Hearts of Iron v1.04 Patch [German]

This German only patch for the WWII themed RTS title offeres a number of gameplay tweaks and fixes. See details in more information.

Version 1.4


* Gameplay tweaks


- Exp. Forces can no longer defect to the rebel side in civil wars.

- Naval Detection between AI countries no longer turned off if Fog Of War is off.

- MR fighters given slight tac attack values. Bomber types slightly rebalanced.

- Naval divisions can no longer be upgraded to other models.

- Expeditionary forces are now always in supply in both the controller's and the owner's provinces.

- A bit _less_ than half of a country's troops will now typically defect in civil wars. This should make the Spanish Civil war more interesting.

- Toned down the beach penalty a bit.

- Naval attack values adjusted for several bomber types.

- Fleets should no longer try to retreat into closed off channels (Suez etc).

- Corrected the dissent minister effect. No longer doubled in peace-time.

- Land leader experience gain halved.

- Neutral player countries can now also influence nations.

- Air units with paratroopers loaded will now be auto-intercepted by fighter units even if their task is not really interception.

- Techs that are deactivated for a country should no longer be listed as givable.

- Wars should now merge properly when alliances gain new members (so the USA should now properly become at war with the Axis when Japan joins the Axis and is already at war with the USA).

- USA now requires much more consumer goods when at peace.

Hearts Of Iron 4 Beta Patch Download Torrent

- Carriers now defend alot better against aircrafts and other ships now, and have alot better detection capabilities.

- Lowered ship speeds and ranges.

- Doubled air unit surface defence capabilities.

- Air attack power for fighters increased.

- Joining an alliance will now move alignment towards that of the alliance leader.

- Reduced DI income rate, especially for neutral countries.

- DI cost of influencing and couping increased.

- Tweaked soft and hard attack values for 'Advanced Light Tank 50mm'.

- Remove some hardcoded terrain effects and tweaked the specific bonuses and penalties a bit.

- 'War alliances' now _only_ give military access to occupied enemy provinces held by the 'war ally' (and not his owned provinces).

- Nations in separate wars against a common enemy no longer have access to each other's occupied provinces.

- Retreating units no longer get an extra movement penalty for being out of fuel.

- Rocket units can no longer rebase. They must be strategically redeployed.

- Rocket divisions can no longer be merged with other division types.

- Rocket units can no longer engage or be engaged in air combat.

- Rocket units are now only affected by weather modifiers (and not night, dissent, etc.)

- Another overhaul on stats on carriers, cruiser and battleship.

- There should no longer be possible to strategically bomb infrastructure below 33%.

- 0 infrastructure provinces now cause attrition even if they are in a home area.

- Nazi and Stalinist regimes are now harder to influence for countries with non-fascist/non-communist governments.

- Members of alliances are now much harder to influence for countries outside the alliance.

- Japan is now much harder to influence for communists.

- At higher difficulty levels, AI countries will now regain manpower quicker.

- Added a revised model file for armored divisions.


* Generic Bugfixes


- Fixed a problem with save files growing larger after each reload.

- The Rain Attack tech effect should now be listed correctly (and not as Snow Attack).

- A paratrooper loading CTD was fixed. Selecting armies loaded onto transport planes should no longer be possible.

- Puppeted nations now properly join the alliance of the master.

- The 'sleep_minister' event command used on the lowest loyalty minister can no longer kill off the head of state or head of government, even if they exist in other positions as well.

- Fixed a bug with leaders going to the wrong country on unit disband.

- The upgrade button should now light up (or not) correctly even when a brigade speed cap is in effect.

- Corrected the foreign minister effects on diplomatic influence.

- The model values shown in the division upgrade window are now correct.

- Air units should now continue their task after winning an air battle.

- Fixed a CTD that occurred when puppeting alliance leaders.

- Completely empty units that somehow end up on the map should now be automatically deleted (except for empty fleets in ports which are used by the naval AI).

- Fixed a CTD that occured when neutral countries puppeted other nations.

- Fixed another rare CTD.

- Exp. Forces should no longer switch allegiance when countries gain independence.

- Fixed some problems with the 'infrastructure' event command.

- Acting capital now correctly used by the code. Should prevent weirdness (such as total loss of income) after losing regular capital.

- Leaders with invalid picture names should now get the correct 'unknown' picture instead of the ugly placeholder with the cross.


* Multiplayer fixes


- Rewrote the file transfer routines for ingame transfer of savegame files. Should be a bit faster now. Jailbreak xbox 360 free.

- Fixed a crash in the MP lobby.

- Leaving and rejoining a game in MP should now work properly and not crash the game when starting.

- Optimized bandwidth usage quite a bit.

- Fixed a problem which made the file-transfer not work on dx9 or later.


* AI Fixes


* Military AI:

- AI should now be less likely to base bombers in attrition provinces.

- AI should now be less likely to base bombers near empty enemy provinces (with nothing to bomb).

- AI leader assignment now much more effective along fronts.

- Slightly adjusted the way fighters are handled by the bomber AI.

- AI Finland no longer suffers from the normal halved peace-time organization rule.

- The Invasion AI should no longer insanely move units straight through attrition provinces and enemy provinces.

- The Invasion AI should no longer steal the last defending unit from an area.

- AI should now cheat less blatantly with bomber ranges.

- Fixed yet another 'Saharan Death March' problem.

- The Invasion AI should now respect the garrison AI settings.

- Fixed a problem with Front AI sometimes going dead in thin strips of land.

- AI should now be more protective of its beach heads.

- Adjusted British and US garrison priorities.

- Japan should now defend its beaches better.

- Fixed another Front dissolution problem.

- AI for the Allies will now more actively reinforce allied war zones.

- AI should now set up convoys to supply its forces in allied areas if necessary.

- The AI will now reclaim exp. forces when the recipient no longer seems to need them.

- AI can now only deploy newly built divisions in its home area.

- The Invasion AI should no longer steal divisions from existing beachheads.

- Vichy Front AI is no longer completely braindead, but rather extremely defensive.

- AI should now be better at using its tactical bombers during the day.

- UK should now try to garrison Africa better.

- Italy should now try to garrison Libya better.

- Japan should now garrison the Pacific islands better.

- Countries should now try to return excess overseas divisions to the homeland (such as Italian armies in Ethiopia after the war.)

- Vichy France should no longer try to launch invasions.

- Changed the 'USSR_Defense.ai' file to make the Soviet front start using the other (probably more effective) distribution scheme ('even'). This means

the Soviet front should stabilize sometime after the Germans reach the Dniepr.

- Fixed a front recklessness bug.

- Alleviated a problem with fronts moving the last unit away from a province.

- Fixed a problem that could cause front strangeness due to attrition provinces upon the loss of a capital.

- AI troops landed in allied territory now automatically become exp. forces. Should help invasions greatly (since fronts will now be created.)

* Diplomacy AI:

- Finland and Romania are now less likely to join the Axis if they recently had peace with the USSR.

- Diplo AI tweaked a lot.

- Countries are now much more likely to grant military access to allies and nations with a common enemy.

- Neutrality tendency slightly raised for a number of countries.

- Japan should now be even less likely to join alliances prior to 1941.

- Germany now less likely to attempt to bring Finland and Romania to the Axis before the war with the USSR.

- The great powers will now tend to intervene and protect nations in their sphere of influence prior to WW2.

* Misc AI:

- Tweaked the world market AI.

- Fixed a bug in the Armaments AI that mostly affected nations with a 0% Naval setting.

- Adjusted Italian and German AI build preferences.

- The AI will now under-produce supplies during peace-time periods, taking the org hit in return for increased production.

- Germany should now also switch to Sealion AI if the Soviet Union is gone.

- The USSR does not panic as easily anymore (and thus will wait longer until building militia.)

- AI desperation calculations tweaked (affects militia building and 'bring troops home' behaviour).


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* Modding Support


- HoI can now be started with a 'moddir' as an argument. This will make the game look for files in that directory structure before looking at the normal place.

- Added support for the 'war' and 'allied' event triggers to work on current nation (B = -1)


* Scenario Setup & Events


- More default unit names for lots of countries.

- Corrected a number of spelling errors in the default unit names.

- Corrected the port - sea zone connection on Greenland.

- Corrected the port - sea zone connection for Darwin.

- Removed port in Cairns

- Removed beach in Canberra

- Added beach to Xiamen

- Added beach to Luanda

- Port and beach corrected in Goa

- Port and beach corrected in Cabinda

- Port and beach corrected in Bata

- Tweaked infra and IC in Australia

- Tweaked terrain in a few provinces

- Increased infra on Iceland slightly.

- Adjusted infrastructure in several provinces.

- Bonin Islands and Naha ports are now connected to the right sea zones.

- Corrected the port and beach sprites on Diego Garcia and the Seychelle Islands.

- Oil lessened throughout the world.

- Revised rubber setup to make AI minors less of a push-over.

- 'Decisive Naval Battle Doctrine' set correctly in the minister files for lots of Chiefs of Navy.

- Overhauled a lot of leaders and ministers and added missing ones.

- Added more existing trade deals to the 1936 scenario.

- Coastal fortress in Valetta reduced and beach level increased.

- Removed the Greek fortifications in Ioánnina.

- Corrected the port sprite in Port Moresby.

- Adjusted Portuguese OOBs.

- Tweaked resources in a couple of provinces.

- Added an Italian convoy to the 1939 scenario.

- Italy now has Paratrooper tech (with prereqs) researched in 1939 and '41.

- Added some light aircraft techs to the UK in 1939.

- Give more coal to Finland and added two initial trade deals.

- Some Chinese divisions deleted to allow Japan its island garrisons in the 1936 scenario.

- The great naval powers given more transport units.

- Fixed UK air division models in the 1941 scenario.

- Fixed a problem with the 'End of the Swedish Winter War' events.

- The 'steal_tech' event command should now be more informative.

- Vichy secession of Indochine should no longer happen if Vichy does not in fact control the area.

- Finland should now gain the whole of Karelia and Kola in the 'Bitter Peace'.

- Fixed some event effect text typos.

- The Lend-Lease events should now occur a more often.

- Fixed a problem with the Vichy Event trigger.

- Fixed a problem with the 'Siam' event trigger.

- Tweaked 'The Bitter Peace' event yet again.

- Fixed a problem in the 'Swedish Winter War' trigger.